

Question by  peterjmg (13)

What is the best remedy for a twisted knee?


Answer by  Hank1973 (34)

The best remedy for a twisted knee is to keep it elevated and alternate between ice and heat every few hours. Try to stay off of the knee as much as possible until the pain and swelling goes down.


Answer by  Salena (93)

Some of the best remedies for a twisted knee are to rest it, by laying it out on a couch or bed, and icing and heating it. Most of the time you want to ice for ten minutes and then heat for ten minutes. Try this 2 or 3 times a day. Mornings and nights are good times.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

Well to remedy this, you need to be drinking a lot of potassium and vitamin c based items. Also, try yoga .


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

Rest stay off from it elevate it put ice on it ice it for tweny minutes on and twenty minutes off till you notice the swelling going down.


Answer by  hippohippo (32)

The most common damage in a twisted knee is to the MCL. This is ligament keeps your knee in place. Keep weight off of you knee until it heals.


Answer by  G12345 (1808)

The RICE acronym is good: rest, ice, compression and elevation. I suggest you see a doctor to have your ligaments assessed and possibly see a physio once you start to recover some motion.


Answer by  Disneyphan (529)

Lots of rest! Do not do anything to cause any further twisting of the knee. Ice it daily and keep off of it!

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