health conditions


Question by  msworld19 (19)

What is the cause of a frozen shoulder?

Not a "cold shoulder". Ha ha!


Answer by  bonniefay (67)

The onset of "Frozen Shoulder" is shoulder pain which causes a person to favor and not use the shoulder in its full range of motion. This would cause general stiffness and difficulty in usage or limited range of movement. It is an inflammatory condition in the capsule around the shoulder tendons and joint.


Answer by  chen2 (508)

Over use is a very common cause of Frozen Shoulder, another cause would be current or past traumas to the ligament around the joints of the shoulders. Having bad posture could also cause frozen shoulder, the stretching of your ligament when your posture is bad could lead to frozen shoulder.


Answer by  kungfukid (1241)

an injury to the shoulder causing ligament or tendon tears which causes decreased motion in the shoulder as well as pain during movement


Answer by  mcdbeals (201)

Arthritis could cause this. Also, sleeping on one side for too long could make that shoulder stiff and difficult to move. A pinched nerve in your neck could also make it hard to move a shoulder.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

If it is in the joint you need to go to the doctor you may have a bone spur you will usually know if it is something that is really bad by the amount of pain you feel. The best thing you can do for it is to go in and see the doctor.


Answer by  cody (1331)

this is the cause of a frozen shoulder. your muscles in your shoulder tense up and it makes your arm not move right

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