

Question by  henners (568)

What is the difference between wasps and hornets?


Answer by  Taran (716)

Both belongs to same family i/e vespa.But wasp is small in size and stings and eats flesh and it has very thin maste where as hornet is large wasp with yellowstripped body, its sting is seroius sting.These are just scientific names given to same looking insects.


Answer by  collingwood (122)

A hornet is a specific type of wasp native to Europe. It is larger than the common wasp native to America, lacks the distinctive yellow and black stripes, and builds larger papery nests.


Answer by  candykitty13 (61)

Hornets and wasps are actually almost the same thing. Hornets are a subgroup of wasps, more specifically the social wasps that make paper nests out of plant material, wood and saliva.


Answer by  Louise (94)

Wasps are flying insects that don't have any hair and have a stinger. The hornet is a type of wasp. It is the largest in size which differentiates it from other types of wasps such as the yellow jacket.

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