what is


Question by  MamaDolce (19)

What is the Native American eternal symbol?


Answer by  seagambrell (91)

No one symbol could possible define Native Americans, they were as vast and varied as the Europeans who displaced them. A buffalo for the plains, a fish for coastal tribes. All were spiritualistic and revered nature many have depictions of the sun, moon, water and earth.


Answer by  mb (5482)

The symbol used by the native americans is similar to the oroboros in western mythology. That is the snake devouring its own tail. This is usually sytlzied in native american drawning and doesn't look much like a snake at all.


Answer by  rogera (788)

The rose is one of their eternal symbols. They have many,water running means constant life, and the wave patternrepresents water and cycles of life, renewal.


Answer by  mcmario2007 (786)

Native american eternal symbols are symbols seen of Native American art work and when i say art work it can be anything that the native Americans create.

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