

Question by  allenclose (30)

What is the process to get teenage emancipation?


Answer by  jheremans (1446)

It is wise to get a job and have stable pay and a valid reason why you left your parents, then you can ask a lawyer to apply for emancipation.


Answer by  Micha (65)

You need to hire an attorney who will guide you through the process. Emancipation laws vary state by state, but generally, you will go to court, and your case will be decided by a judge.


Answer by  Mandy59 (242)

You need to speak with a lawyer as well as have evidence that you can support yourself and that living with your parents is dangerous or toxic.


Answer by  Sharyl (340)

The easiest way is to contact a lawyer, you can also do research in your local liberary if you want to try to do it on your own. I would also contact your local child and welfare services for advice.


Answer by  John (9008)

It varies from state to state, and different states have different rules. In general, you must be a certain age and convince a judge to grant it.


Answer by  timmsa (577)

It's a long process. You have to go before a judge and explain why you want to be emancipated, then you have to prove you can take care of yourself. Then you have to prove you have a job and can maintain a house and pay your bills.


Answer by  sara99 (851)

The teen must appear in front of a judge several times and prove why this is in the teens best interest. It is NOT an easy procedure.


Answer by  jaime24 (744)

Teenage emancipation is basically divorcing your parents. You can go to the courts and ask to be emancipated, and if the judge feels that you are mature and responsible enough, then your parents are not responsible for you anymore. You will be considered a legal adult.

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