

Question by  salsafoodie (3146)

What is the Spanish term for "endearment"?


Answer by  rbiales (3441)

There are many words of affection in Spanish and many are the same as in English, such as "cara mia", my heart.


Answer by  justbu (143)

A good synonym, roughly translated, is "cariño," connoting a sense of love and caring, softness, or tenderness. Synonyms for the same word in Spanish parlance include the words: "ternura," and "pasión. "


Answer by  patti (29325)

"Carino" is the Spanish word for "affection. " In Spanish, there are two Ns, one that sounds like the N in "Nancy" and the other than sounds like the N in "senor. " The second N has a tilde over. "Carino" is pronounced "cah reen yo," more or less.


Answer by  shaunhaines (131)

A common way to say endearment in Spanish is to say "le tengo mucho afecto" which means, literally, I have a lot of affection for it (or him, or her, or whoever).

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