pet health


Question by  joanypinter (1)

What liquid medicine will a vet prescribe to kill collombolla?


Answer by  JaydeesLaydee (523)

When I had an experience with this, the vet gave my animal a liquid garlic supplement. If the vet is sure that colombolla is the culprit, you may be able to save some money by getting the garlic at a health food store.


Answer by  lwat80 (300)

This parasite, more accurately spelled collombola, can be treated with taking garlic supplements. This can be transmitted between pets and humans. A doctor or vet will find this parasite almost impossible to diagnose and this treatment will be effective for a number of parasites.


Answer by  primatefreak (1616)

There are more than 6,000 know species of collombolla, aka springtails and snow fleas. The liquid medicne most commonly prescribed is Ivomec 1% solution. Dosage is 1/10cc per 10 pounds of dog's weight. The generic form is Ivermectim, but not suitable for collies (they have problems with this drug).

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