

Question by  Baggy (15)

What should I consider before buying a home with my boyfriend?


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

1. If trying to get financing, they use the lower credit score of the two of you. 2. You do not have the legal rights of spouses. You'll have to split equity when you sell. 3. Get your name on the deed as well as the mortgage.


Answer by  Peg (459)

Make sure you really want to live with the person before buying a house together. Live together first and if you have any doubts, don't do it.


Answer by  Anita27 (656)

Be sure that you and your boyfriend are in a very stable and serious relationship before you buy a home together. Unloading a home in this market can be very difficult and you don't want to be stuck with a home if you break up.


Answer by  Anonymous

Love him, trust him, and make sure your relationship is stable.


Answer by  BillS (50)

The amount of space you each now occupy is an indicator of how much space you both will need in your shared home. Does your new home provide enough room for both of you? Also, if you end your relationship, who will have legal possession of the home?


Answer by  jamescruz (45)

First and foremost thing is trust. And second thing is Where you want to buy home?

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