health treatments


Question by  nirmal (13)

What should I do for a sunburn that itches?


Answer by  Aubrey (356)

You can apply aloe vera gel to cool itchy, sunburnt skin. You can also use a clean damp, cool rag and apply it to the affected area as needed. Jojoba Oil is also another alternative for relief.


Answer by  kd97 (733)

Make iced tea, and let it cool to room temperature. Dip in a washcloth, and squeeze out the excess liquid. Place it over the area that itches, and let it lay on there until the itching resumes-- repeat as needed for desired results! Easy, Cheap solution.


Answer by  stressedone (166)

Taking an antihistamine such as Benadryl will stop itching. Another helpful way to stop itching is cool compresses. Cortisporin ointment may help but not as well the other ways.


Answer by  Mrscmrn (1449)

Home remedies from sunburn can include cool cloths to the affected areas, frequent cool showers or baths, lotions that contain aloe vera, and sometimes lotions that contain corticosteroids (though these should never be used in a child under two). Drinking plenty of water can help the dehydration of the skin. Peeling of skin is normal. Lotions can help the itching.

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