pet health


Question by  KeeyaZ (30)

What should I do for my cat that shivers and is throwing up?


Answer by  Dontbugme (697)

Shivering can be perfectly normal in a healthy cat and may just be a sign that he is cold. My best guess about his throwing up would be that either his food does not agree with him, he is being poisoned, or he has a hairball that won't come up. Make a trip to the veterinarian to learn more.


Answer by  traumatised (3285)

Please take your cat to a qualified vet as soon as possible. Those symptoms could be any number of things from a neurological condition, poisoning, cerebellar hyoplasia, even a foreign object stuck in his/her stomach or intestines somewhere. Your cat may need bloodwork, x-rays, even a CT scan.


Answer by  YK (304)

If you are worried about your cat, please call your vet (or emergency line at an animal hospital). Make sure your cat is getting enough water and is not dehydrated. It is possible that your cat has had a reaction to something; if he/she is not eating properly or able to keep food down you should call your vet.


Answer by  Illi (61)

If your cat throws up fur balls you can consider your cat's actions normal. If this appears to happen often, consult your vet. A choice of food you give your cat can reduce the amount of fur balls its digestive system collects. There are animal foods directly designed for that purpose.

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