pet health


Question by  davisdj (17)

What should I do for my kitten who has a fever and won't eat?


Answer by  Merzkiyi (604)

Above all, take him or her to a vet as soon as possible. They will determine the cause of the fever and tell you how to take care of the kitten. They may give you a syringe (without a needle) and some liquid formula to feed it with, or it may need an IV for fluids.


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

You need medical help, just as you'd do for a child. Fever can kill a kitten very quickly, and they dehydrate, which will also kill them. Your kit may have an upper respiratory illness, if he can't smell his food, he won't eat. You can't treat this.


Answer by  pradhaprajgmailcom (1518)

Usually the animals have inbuilt mechanism to get cured easily. So you need not worry too much about this. If it lives in a rural area then it will find its own medicine from the herbs available. Otherwise you have to consult a vet. Before that give your pet something liquid,but donot force the kitten. Get well soon kitten!


Answer by  aearthdragon (471)

Honestly there is not much you can do. Just keep trying to feed the kitten, and make sure they get enough water. Try treats and other tasty things. Get medical attention for the fever. Animals simply do not want to eat when they are not feeling well. Not much tastes good to them.

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