

Question by  Josh31 (28)

What should I do if my dog's urine smells horrible?


Answer by  worker7654 (1033)

If the urine does not smell normal then it should be seen by a vet in order to see what the problme is. It can indicate an infection in the urinary tract and that can be treated with simple medication.


Answer by  worker3384 (157)

Check your dog is not eating anything that it should not be, like something that he is finding outside. In any event you should take a sample to the vet.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Foul smelling urine can indicate a larger problem such as a bladder infection. Take your dog to the Vet to see if there is a larger underlying problem.


Answer by  mmn (369)

Foul smelling urine may be the result of a bladder infection. It may also mean that your dog's urine is too concentrated. Take your dog to the vet.


Answer by  Jalaine11 (2043)

If you dogs urine smells bad it is an indication of an underlying problem. Your dog may have a kidney or bladder infection. Take your dog to the vet to have things checked out. If an infection is found antibiotics will be prescribed. Make sure you dog is drinking plenty of fluids and is taken out on a regular bases.

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