

Question by  Mazlek (17)

What should I do when my infant has episodes of turning blue?


Answer by  benstac (1928)

Anytime someone is turning blue, it means oxygen isn't getting through. If this continues, I would suggest going to the Emergency Room as soon as possible to make sure nothing is obstructing your baby's breathing. If attention is not paid to the issue, serious health conditions can result. It's best to be safe than sorry.


Answer by  diana80 (42)

When your infant is turning blue, check immediately is he/she is choking on anything and call 911 immediately. Always make sure no little toys, don't feed solids if not ready.


Answer by  Brittney (1095)

Get your child tested for asthma. During an asthma attack the child has a hard time breathing and sometimes they will turn blue. If your child is turning blue and then his color returns to normal within a few minutes it is a sign of asthma.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Take him to the emergency room right away. This obviously means your child is NOT getting ENOUGH OXYGEN in his lungs. Something like this shouldn't be taken lightly. A lack of oxygen could kill him or hurt his brain development and cause him to be slow or make him mentally retarded.

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