

Question by  swizlstk65 (33)

What should I feed my turtle who has red stripes on the side of his face?


Answer by  TurtleGirl (75)

There are several brands of turtle pellets. These are easy, clean, and nutritionally complete. My turtle, however, refuses to eat them. A reptile expert at our pet store said no turtle can refuse freeze dried shrimp or crickets. We were successful with the shrimp; I am too squeamish for crickets.


Answer by  anita77 (55)

Sounds like a red eared slider. They eat grasshoppers, guppies and any plant food- tomato slices, mint, coraiander, cabbage leave. Supplement with calcium- cuttlefish is a good source.


Answer by  Nar85 (90)

It sounds like a red ear slider. First you should go on google and try to identify the type of turtle if it is a red ear slider then you can simply go to the pet store and get specially formulated food for captive turtles, it has the fruits and vegetables your turtle needs.


Answer by  str8upcutie83 (471)

You can feed him regular turtle pellets that they sell at most pets stores or reptile pet stores. For a change and to provide your turtle a little fun you can try guppies, tiny shrimp and depending on the size of the turtle you can try goldfish.

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