

Question by  mechanicalturk (20)

What should I know about growing Robellini palms?


Answer by  hibpmgirl (2166)

palms in general need little watering, over water and the roots will rot. lots of sun and a not too much fertilizer once every two months


Answer by  debi1954 (81)

They are considered a tender tropical palm for the garden. Depending on the zone you live in they can be planted in movable pots. Care should be taken as they fronds of this specimen are very sharp and spiny. They are mostly grown for the greenery.


Answer by  aeturnus (474)

Begin growing Robellini palm trees by placing them in an area that is pounded on heavily by the sun's rays, and make sure they are placed in nutrient-rich soils.


Answer by  lanta (61)

since it is a palm you can plant it in a big pot and place it under the sun. it can survive under the heat of sun plus the leaves can grow well

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