

Question by  JPL (15)

What stomach medicine can I give to my dogs?


Answer by  patti (29325)

Never give you dog medicine except that which has been directed by the veterinarian. While dogs can take some human medications, there are a number of medicines that can severely harm a dog and even kill it. Talk to your veterinarian.


Answer by  summitz06 (110)

Small doses of Pepto may be okay for your dog if there are not any underlying health concerns. You should always consult a Veterinarian before medicating your pets. Medications are regulated for animals just as they are for humans. Finding the cause of your pets' illness should be priority over a quick diagnosis.


Answer by  JessM (256)

Pepto Bismol is a stomach medicine you can give to your dogs that is very safe. You must dose according to their body weight, and not an adult human dose. Always speak to your veterinary first, they may have an inexpensive alternative stomach medication you can administer.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Don't give your dog any medication unless your dog's vet says that it's okay. Some medications can be lethal in certain doses even if they are okay for your dog. Some human medications can be used for dogs but they can be lethal in certain amounts. Play it safe and consult your Vet.


Answer by  aeturnus (474)

The following are examples of stomach medicines that could be given to dogs, depending on what problems persist: Sherley's Gaserine tablets, Johnson's Diarrhoea tablets, Dog and Puppy Provita Recovery, and Laxapet Laxative for dogs.

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