


Question by  ronaldexodus48 (7)

When did they make the Hudson Wasp?

Was it popular?


Answer by  appleorchardbooks (74)

The Hudson Wasp was made from 1952 until 1956. 21,856 units were sold in 1953 by 1956 only 2,519 units were sold. In its final year it was only available as a 4 door sedan. In 1954 Hudson merged with Nash Kelvinator Corporation to form the American Motors Corporation. 1957 the Hudson brand name was pulled from the market entirely.


Answer by  ijlalnoor (2656)

A totoal of 21856 units were sold in 1953.It was in sold between 1952 to 1956. It was quite famous in the start but slowly it started to lose its popularity.


Answer by  6ixk (1156)

Your best bet on this would be to check around the internet for links related to your information. I can't personally say what year they were made, but I haven't seen many in my life, so I assume they were not very popular until they were done away with. Good Luck!

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