

Question by  Mavourneen (13)

When was the computer invented?

I feel like they have been around forever!


Answer by  burlanflorismadalin (7)

Charles Babbage is famous for his invention called "analytical engine" that was the first computer Programmable built in 1877. The computer was programmed theoretical Ada Lovelace using punch cards and an assembly language called Ada today. Analytical Engine was a computer system fully compatible with the language of Turing.


Answer by  Jonah14 (640)

The idea of the computerized processing has been around for nearly a hundred years, ever since Alan Turing's concept of a Turing machine. More recently, however, you might say that the computer as we know it was invented by IBM, eventually turning in the knowledge seeking machines of the present.


Answer by  pm11 (85)

It a difficult answer because there are different types of classifications and types of computers. But the first personal computer was an Apple computer and was invented by Steve Jobs and Steve Woznak in 1976. Instead the first digital computer was the ENIAC , it was invented by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly at the University of Pennsylvania (1946)

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