where does it come from


Question by  sumo (16)

Where does lightning come from?


Answer by  azchemfreak (95)

Lightning results from the static discharge of electricity that builds up due to frictional action of particles and dust in the upper atmosphere as they come into contact with each other. Exchange of electrons between these particles occurs until the lighting discharges returning the dust to electrical neutrality.


Answer by  willard (874)

Lightning is caused when a layer of clouds becomes electrically charged. When the charge is large enough, it creates an electric field large enough make regions of the surrounding air conduct. When this happens, negative charges in the clouds move quickly to earth, heating the air until it glows.


Answer by  dayan (19)

The simple answer is that lightning comes from the sky. Butlightning really comes from lightning bugs. At certain times of the year, lightning bugs will fly high up into the clouds. This is a lightning bug's mating ground - the clouds.

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