

Question by  Kurt (4579)

Who are the most well-known English monarchs?


Answer by  Kazekami (197)

Henry VIII killed lots of his wives and formed the Anglican Church. Elizabeth I was a great Female Ruler. William of Normandy was know as William the Conqueror. James I suceeded Elizabeth and Jamestown is named after him. I think these 4 are some of the best known names.


Answer by  CallerID (213)

Moving backwards starting with the present one, Queen Elisabeth II, the great Victoria (the Victorian Age was named after her), George III (who fought Napoleon and also went mad), Charles I (who was beheaded by his own people), Elisabeth I, Henry VIII (with his many wives and the breakup with Roman Catholicism), Richard the Lion-Hearted (crusades).


Answer by  Alexios (161)

William the Conquerer, 1066-1087, Richard The Lionhearted, 1189-1199, Henry VII, 1509-1547, Elizabeth I, 1558-1603, George III, 1760-1820, Victoria, 1837-1901, and Elizabeth II, 1952-Now, are some of the most famous monarchs.

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