
 cats  why


Question by  mlanity (25)

Why does my kitten meow so much?


Answer by  MegF (21)

There are many reasons a kitten may be meowing. They are generally asking for attention wanting food or wanting to be near someone for comfort and safety. If they feel uncomfortable, such as cold or scared or hungry, then they are more likely to cry.


Answer by  TwoToneDodge (2204)

Your kitten is missing some form of attention. Give him lots of hugs and take time to let him curl up in your lap. Comfort him with sweet talk and petting.


Answer by  Danie (993)

It is possible your cat is uncomfortable or hungry. She or he could also be lonely since making noise is one way for pets to get attention from their owners.


Answer by  maryam (50)

your kitten meow so much because that is your kitten. you also meow meow all the time so may be she is also inspired from yourself. i also found another reason that you may not give her appropriate and balanced diet. so be careful careful.

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