pet health


Question by  pollypink (36)

Why is my cat foaming at the mouth?


Answer by  eilrol (1431)

It could be rabies or your cat ate something he or she should not have. But 9 times out of 10 it is rabies. Again, take your cat to a vet!!!


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

Get to a vet. If he is truly "foaming", not excessive salivation, he could be in threat of his life, and so could you. This may be a mild toxicity, but it could be antifreeze, distemper, or god forbid, rabies. Rabies is on the rise due to lack of vaccination.


Answer by  ferfer72 (2623)

You first concern should be rabies. Go to a veterinarian and have your cat checked. Other than that, it could be alcohol. If your cat has gotten into something that contains alcohol (like medicine), it can react to his or her saliva and cause foam.


Answer by  katharine (3981)

Cats sometimes foam at the mouth when they eat something they don't like or when given medication. However, if you don't know what your cat ate it could be something poisonous.


Answer by  H797H (157)

This may very well be attribute to low blood sugar. This is exactly what happened to my cat when she had a diabetic episode. This can happen usually because too much insulin has been administered or the cat was in fact healed but more insulin was given without bringing the cat to the vet for a check-up.


Answer by  Disneyphan (529)

Is your cat an outdoor cat? If so, you may want to consider taking it to the vet to be checked for Rabies.


Answer by  bb0603 (208)

It could have gotten into a fight with another cat or a wild animal that had rabbies. You should take you cat to the vets as soon as possible and get them checked out, and that way you can get them help if they have a sickness or are wounded.


Answer by  tc25dreamer (180)

Take your cat to the vet. My only guess is rabies. Does it have red eyes? If so, contact your doctor immediatly. Your cat could have rabies with these symtoms!


Answer by  jmansfie (282)

Your cat is most likely foaming at the mouth because it suffers from a common animal disease that is known as rabies. This disease is symptomized by foaming at the mouth and cannot be cured.

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