

Question by  maggie711 (285)

Why is there a humming noise in my car while running and a vibrating noise while driving?


Answer by  AD8000 (130)

From your description it sounds like it is a leak in your exhaust manifold or exhaust tubing. Check the catalytic converter as well. Your engine mounts may be broken as well if you are experiencing vibrations while in motion. Your suspension may be worn as well so look for oil on your shocks.


Answer by  SkylineR34 (25)

Humming noise could be due to: Exhaust leaks, especially if the gaskets are worn. Vacuum leaks at the vacuum lines and intake manifolds (Although this can cause an erratic idle) Vibrating noise could be caused due to: Loose exhaust parts (Check exhaust bolts, loose bolts can cause rattles and vibration)


Answer by  juncel (23)

A humming noise is usually related to the fuel pump about to go or you just have a really loud fuel pump and everything is fine. And the better thing to do is to consult your car mechanics.


Answer by  soccer593 (476)

It could be a number of many different things. You may need new tires or wheel bearings. A humming noise can also be caused if the rubber mount on your exhaust comes off. The exhaust may be hitting against your fire wall which makes a humming of vibrating noise while driving.


Answer by  Huntress (1935)

There are so many things that can cause those noises. You could need a tune-up or a fan from your a/c or heating unit could be going bad.


Answer by  SpoonNZ (56)

It's hard to say without knowing where the noise comes from. You may want to get a wheel alignment done - these are cheap and fix a lot of common vibration issues


Answer by  Kiko85 (40)

The humming noise is normal, that is the sound of the engine running so you should not be too concerned about it. Also the vibrations are just as normal during driving

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