
 cats  garden


Question by  DMcBride (18)

Are petunias poisonous to cats?


Answer by  Roxie33 (16)

When you consider landscaping your garden you should take into consideration your pet's needs. This includes what plants you may want to plant around your home. Did you know that some plants may be poisonous to your animals? The poisounous plants include lilies, marijuana, sango palm, tulip/narcissus bulbs, azalea/rhododendron, oleander, castor bean, cyclamen, kalanchoe, yew, amaryllis, autumn crocus, chrysanthemum, english ivy, peace lily, pothos, and schefflera. While other plants are not poisonous including bamboo, beets, black walnut, blue eyed daisy, boston fern, and petunias. So the next time you plan a home landscaping job remember your pets.


Answer by  rascal (187)

Petunias are not poisonous to cats, or anyone else for that matter. Cats don't bother petunias in the yard and can sleep among then in your flower beds with no problems. Petunias come in many kinds and colors, single, double, etc, but none are poisonous to cats and can also be brought into the houser.


Answer by  Ginny (2251)

The Cat Fanciers' Association, the largest pedigreed cat registry, has a long list of plants or parts of plants that are toxic to cats but petunias are not listed. However, your cat could get an allergic reaction to any plant so if the cat shows symptoms, i. e. vomiting, diarrhea, or depression, be sure to check with a veterinarian immediately.


Answer by  Twins3307 (97)

No, petunias are listed as being safe for cats. Some of the more well known plants that are toxic to cats include aloe vera, apricot pits, azalea, baby's breath, bird of paradise, calla lily, daffodil, and Easter lily. A few other safe plants for cats include impatiens, lavender, roses, and snapdragons.

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