

Question by  Lks (29)

Can you give a dog fish oil?

If so, how much?


Answer by  JenaMae (794)

Typically fish oil or Vitamin E Oil is already part of your dog's food. Just make sure to read the ingredients in your bag of dog food before purchasing. If dog food is not enough, try giving your dog raw egg every three days for a softer coat and skin.


Answer by  shastie (1601)

You should contact your vet to find out something like that. They will be able to tell you if and why they need it. They will also be able to tell you how much.


Answer by  Mech79 (185)

Dogs can have fish oil and it benefits both their skin and coat. The typical dose for dogs over 20 pounds is 1500mg.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

For things like that your really need to contact your vet because they will know right away all the answers to all of your questions and if it can have the fish oil they will be able to tell you exactly how much and how often to give it to them.


Answer by  Brald (165)

Yes you can. You can get the pills at a pet store. The label will have the animal weight listed and what amount to give them.


Answer by  kristina31 (305)

I have never heard of anyone giving their dog fish oil. The best thing is to call a local vet and ask them.

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