

Question by  marshallthornton (16)

Do Westie puppies frequently have eye trouble? What kind?


Answer by  JenaMae (794)

You may think they have eye trouble because of the watering. However, Westie's don't have much skin to catch the wateriness on the eye, so it goes onto the hair.


Answer by  JenaMae (794)

Westies will have eye trouble if you don't keep the hair out of their eyes and don't clean them. Because of milking, the white fur around the eyes will be a pinkish color from weepy eyes. This goes away with age and because they aren't drinking milk all the time.


Answer by  Max82 (270)

West Highland Terriers are prone to skin trouble most often due to allergies. Being that the eyes are basically an extension of the skin you may want to watch them.


Answer by  mb (5482)

Westland terriers do not have any more eye troubles than any other breed of dog. The puppies eyes will not open for the first few weeks of life... this is perfectly normal but disconserting to people not ready for it. They will have difficultly seeing once their eyes do open but will work in time.

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