

Question by  jennybop (254)

Is a flea dip for dogs safe?


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

The later flea dips are generally safe for dogs but there is a chance some dogs may be allergic. Flea dips made for dogs are never safe for your cat.


Answer by  mpartin (1600)

Yes, if done by your vet. It is extremely important that the vet dip them because they know the proper strength for the dip according to the size and weight.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

It is very safe for your dog as long as you do not let the face or eyes get the dip into them that is where people get into trouble with it and they do not realize it can cause respiratory problems as well as blindness.You can do a net search on it for more details.


Answer by  tofuturk (581)

Flea dip that is made specifically for dogs is safe to use. Read and follow the instructions on the bottle. Along with washing the dog, it is usually necessary to spray your home and wash all bedding in hot water.


Answer by  AlishaLynn (13)

When dealing with flea dip it is very safe to use on big dogs. when it comes to medium and smaller sized dogs, a flea dip is not your best bet. If it is a small or medium sized dog, you should consult your veterinarian, flea dip causes internal damage.


Answer by  mrsshelast (899)

Yes, as long a the dip you are using was developed for use with animals. A flea dip is a helpful way of keeping pests off your dog. It also helps maintain the health of their skin. Take your dog to a ceritfied groomer and they can help you to give your dog a flea dip.

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