


Question by  Meg55 (94)

Is there a drain plug on the gas tank of a 97 Oldsmobile?


Answer by  oddflash (902)

From all the research I have done I cannot find a drain plug on the gas tank of any 97 Oldsmobile. So the answer is no.


Answer by  11jbmorl (74)

1997 Oldsmobile cars do not have drain plugs for their gas tanks. Your best option will likely be a siphon after removing the gas tank.


Answer by  Adam17 (161)

No. In order to drain the gas tank of a 97 Oldsmobile, you need to remove the tank, the fuel lines, the power to the fuel pump, and the tank straps. Then you can disconnect and remove the tank to drain it.


Answer by  ahmed000 (4)

no there is not .take the tank down carefully and pour into pails or use a siphon to remove fuel just u have to use a siphon its better and this how to do it

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