what is


Question by  KatW (85)

What are the most important inventions ever?


Answer by  CR125 (396)

The most important inventions are electricity, roads, vehicles, nuclear fusion, telephone, penicillin, light bulb, wheel, internet, calculator, and the airplane.


Answer by  Mable (3008)

You may think of these by topics -- In communications: alphabets, paper, printing press, telegraph, radio, television. In mechanics: wheel, lever, pulley, engines of various sorts. In instrumentation: Optical lenses and their applications; compass; etc. In civil engineering: arches, buttresses, suspension bridges. Generation and use of electricity; lightbulbs, transistors, microchips.


Answer by  tamkees (3203)

A list of the most important inventions is subjective by nature, but most people agree that the following changed the world forever: the wheel, the printing press, the telephone, the electric light bulb, dynamite, the steam engine, the atomic bomb, television and radio, and the computer.


Answer by  murali680 (559)

The most important invention ever are given below, • Fire • The Wheel • Airplane • Light bulb • Automobile • Computer • Telephone • Water • printing press • Penicillin

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