

Question by  slovenc (22)

What should I know about feeding kittens?


Answer by  Rivka (217)

In order to meet a kitten's nutritional requirements for growth and development you must provide a diet with twice as many calories on a per pound of body weight basis as for adults and thirty-six to sixty percent more protein as well. Frequent feedings are recommended to fulfill this need.


Answer by  Tracy15 (821)

Well I had to do this a few times and my suggestion is to go to a pet store (like Petsmart) and get the kitten formula. You have to feed the kittens alot like about every 2 to 3 hours as they need alot of nurishment as they grow. It is time consuming but worth it when they are healthy.


Answer by  pupsichick (52)

You can buy formula at your local pet store as well as bottles. They eat about every two hours. Start off with about 2oz. of formula. Heat it to room temperature


Answer by  kmalyn (96)

Certain cat foods help to reduce hair balls, therefore creating less throwing up. There are also special formulas for indoor and outdoor cats. When changing foods make sure to watch the litter box to see which foods may be hurting you cat's tummy.

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